Two. It’s the Magic Number.


Yes it is. It’s the Magic Number.
Somewhere in this Fisher Price Community
Was born 2. Butts and Sassy
And that’s the magic number.

What does it all mean?

What it means is that these 2 kids need 2 naps. 2day and everyday.

I tried valiantly to move us to 1 nap, but after a week of hour long naps midday and hour long screechfests in the afternoon, I caved. Yesterday was our first day back with the old schedule and they made it VERY clear that 2 is the way to go.

The morning snooze lasted almost 1:45 and the afternoon was about 1:15-30.  Today the morning was about the same, and we’re currently underway with the afternooner.

This is definitely one of those situations where kids are just going to let you know what’s what.  As the mom you might think you have some say in the matter, but you can only force so much.

Oh well, maybe in a few more months…  On the upside, now I get lunch!

3 Responses to “Two. It’s the Magic Number.”

  1. 1 Jenn

    This is so funny… my twins are 11 days younger than yours, and we tried to go to 1 nap a few weeks ago. It did not go well!! I came to the same realization– my 2 kids need 2 naps, too. They take 1 nap on Mon/Wed since we go to a class at the Y together at 915, and usually sleep from 12-2, but the other 5 days take 2 naps. I think I still prefer the 2 nap schedule for now– bedtime is later, but babies are much happier, making mom much happier, too!

  2. Yay for getting lunch. Food sustenance is a good thing.

    I hear you on the one nap a day. Its a good thing, but happy babies are a better thing. Little Lassie is down to one nap and lately shes been going longer and longer which gives me more time to be lazy and think of all the things I could/should be doing.

    Hang in there!

  3. We back to 2, too. I tried to move to 1 – big mistake. Little Miss Sleepfighter was not pleased.

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